How Long Are Deer Pregnant? (Why You Need To Know This)

How long are deer pregnant? If you’re an avid hunter, this question might have popped up in your head a couple of times, am I right? The reason is quite evident. As an enthusiastic hunter, you want to understand everything about your prey. And if that’s the case, then you’re in the right place.

What you see below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about deer pregnancy. How often do deer reproduce? What is pregnant deer behavior? I have covered all types of subtopics related to pregnancy. So let’s begin!


Why you need to know this

Wondering about deer pregnancy is more biology than hunting, right? But that’s a good thing because it helps you understand deer breeding season.

You might have heard about the fabled, famous ‘rut.’ It’s during this phase only that you need to head out onto the field to hunt. So it helps a great deal to know that deer, at this time of the year, are preparing to get pregnant.

What does this mean? It means that your chances of capturing that perfect antler buck increase considerably.

The Rut is Important, but Why?


I know how lazy summers can be when dealing with deer species. But that makes the fall season the busiest and most exciting time of the year. All year round, except for the fall months, bucks and does graze separately. So as soon as fall hits, they start to mingle. And this is when the antlers of the deer become visible to the does. (Whitetail antler changes)

Another important fact that you probably don’t know is this. It’s during the fall season only that the does begin eating well to prepare for pregnancy. And this is the main reason why does look their best during this season of the year.

By consuming the required amount of food, they prepare their bodies to develop fawns in the harsh cold climates of winter.

Now let’s get closer to answering the question, how long are deer pregnant?

The Rut: What Happens There?

We all know that whitetail deer step into the season at the completion of only seven months. But there are some that delay it until the following breeding season.

If you’re one of those hunters that get to the field during the beginning of the rut, then follow only one rule. And that is looking out for does that don’t have fawns and are under a year. But do you know why? It’s because these types of does develop heat early.

When it comes to escaping bucks’ unwanted attention, does do an excellent job. They tend to stand still only for the deer they want to mate with. More often than not, this choice is a buck with the best-looking antlers. And we all know what that means, don’t we? Impressive antlers are a symbol of genetic and age superiority.

What Happens Next?

The colder the season in a particular region, the longer it takes for the fawn season to develop. So the upper areas of the North have a fawn season much later than the lower parts. And the reason is quite evident. That’s because fawns aren’t supposed to withstand the harsh freezing temperatures of winter.

The season lasts for only two months. But this differs from place to place. So it’s important that you’re aware of the average time of your particular area. And did you know that you can also predict the most productive days of the rut to capture a huge buck?

How Long are Deer Pregnant?



Once the rut gets over, does remain pregnant for 180 to 200 days (about six months). But this depends on the deer species. Whitetail deer’s pregnancy lasts for 201 days to be more precise. And again, this varies from doe to doe.

As a responsible hunter, you should know that hunting pregnant deer is restricted in some places. So the best thing you can do to avoid getting into trouble is check the state legislation.

Now you know how long are deer pregnant, don’t you?

So does that make you feel like a better hunter? Of course, it should!

Deer species are fascinating animals, especially the beloved whitetails. So getting to know more about fawning, pregnancy, and the rut is always a good idea. It helps you understand how these factors affect seasonal habits and patterns of a deer. And this, in turn, contributes to increasing your chances of bagging a trophy hunt.

So tell me, what’s your take on this particular topic? Do you have any valuable tips to offer when it comes to capturing that perfect prey on the field?

Please don’t hesitate to drop in your thoughts and comments in the section below.

I hope you found the content of the article useful. And did it answer the question at hand?

You will find many such articles on my website. I try to write about all practical aspects of hunting to make your adventures more fun and ultimately successful.

Thank you for reading the article. And I hope to see you again soon!

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