The only that can come in the way of your trapped monster fish, and you is an expired fishing line. Now you should know that fishing lines don’t have any particular expiration date. But they do tend to degrade.
So how long does fishing line last is something that you need to know if you don’t want to lose that trophy fish?
Does fishing line have a shelf life? Of course, it does. It’s not built to last forever now, is it? It’s important to know this information because you don’t want your fishing experience to be unpredictable.
When it comes to catching fish, it’s better to use the reliable equipment. And fishing line failure is something that you don’t want to deal with. Trust me.
Lifespan of Fishing Line – 3 Different Types of Fishing Lines
They come in 3 different styles. So let’s discuss them below before we talk about how long do each of them last.
We all know what mono means, right? It means one. So this type of a fishing line is a single continuous strand of synthetic fiber built with nylon.
The monofilament fishing line tends to stretch out completely before it snaps. And this happens only due to a strong amount of force.
For example, a 35lb monofilament fishing line breaks when the force pulled by it is also 35lbs.
Monofilament: How long does fishing line last?
The lifespan of monofilament fishing line is shorter than the other two. And that’s because the line is highly sensitive to heat and UV light. This means spending long hours fishing on bright sunny days can damage the fishing line.
The fluorocarbon fishing line is also a single strand just like its monofilament counterpart. But this one’s made of another material. It’s called polyvinylidene fluoride.
The fishing line is harder to spot when in water and has a more rigid quality. The latter gives the line additional memory. And that’s not good news. But the fluorocarbon fishing line’s strength and its almost invisible nature make up for this one tiny flaw.
Fluorocarbon: How long does fishing line last?
Since this fishing line is harder to spot underwater, it tends to last longer. On top of that, it doesn’t get affected by the UV sun rays in any way. And these are the reasons why many fishers choose the fluorocarbon fishing line over the monofilament one.
The braided fishing line uses several fiber strands woven together. This means more strength. The fibers used are man-made and have the same qualities as fabric. So the fishing line can hold more weight without stretching.
The braided fishing line is also comparatively skinnier than the other two. Such a quality offers more reel length.
Braided: How long does fishing line last?
The shelf life of braided fishing line is the longest. Just like its fluorocarbon counterpart, it doesn’t tend to break down due to the UV sunlight. The only fishing line that gets affected by sun rays is the monofilament irrespective of whether used or not. But that’s not the case with the braided fishing line. It can last for several fishing seasons.
How to Make Your Braid Fishing Line Last Longer?
How often should you change your fishing line?
The answer depends on the kind of use you subject your fishing line to. How often you use it is also another factor that decides when you need to change the fishing line. Let me explain this in detail below.
Do you indulge in the activity of fishing daily? Then you would have to change your fishing line more frequently than when you were fishing only 1-2 times a month. Also, do you use it under harsh conditions? If yes, then it’s better to change the fishing line more often.
All the three different types of fishing lines come with different properties. So how often should you change the fishing line also depends on the kind of line you’re using. Out of the three discussed above, the braided fishing line tends to last the longest. This means that it can be utilized for several fishing seasons. So the monofilament and fluorocarbon fishing lines will have to be replaced more frequently than the braided version.
How to know when it’s time to change your fishing line?
It’s better to be well prepared than to come back with a broken fishing line and no fish. So before you head out for the activity, take a look at the fishing line. Do you spot any imperfections or nicks along the line? Is the fishing line beginning to fade? If the answers are in the negative, then you’re good to go.
The formation of creases is a common problem with fishing lines. Creases occur due to factors like bad backlash or tying the knot too quickly. These creases are not considered to be good news at all. They tend to make your fishing line weak. And this is the reason why you fail to catch that monster fish. So as soon as you spot weak points, it’s better to cut out that part or change the fishing line altogether.
Once you know how long does fishing line last, you tend to become extremely careful when spotting any signs of damage. Otherwise, your fishing adventures can turn out to be unpredictable and disastrous.
Fishing Line: How It’s Made?
That’s a wrap!
Fishing line is something that doesn’t require long-term storage. Not unless you go fishing every day. You can easily pick it up on your way to the trip and if some of it gets left over, great! You can utilize that for your next trip. Just don’t forget to check the fishing line before you use it. It’s important that you do if you want your experience to be predictable and pleasant.
You should also know that you can switch to braided fishing lines as the standard reel option. They are costlier than the other two types of fishing lines. But they give you great value for money. With that, you also get some additional length to land that big fish.
So now do you know how long does fishing line last?
What type of fishing line do you use? And tell us about its shelf life.
You can drop in your comments in the section below. Please feel free to share your wonderful fishing experiences with us here. The more information we have, the better decision we can make when choosing fishing lines.
I hope the article was informative and entertaining for you. Thank you for taking out time to read the content. We hope to see you again soon.
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