How To Make A Silencer Out Of A Water Bottle Without Spending Any Money

Have you ever tried making a silencer from soda bottles, tennis balls, rubber nipples, or even potatoes? If you have, then you know how badly you’ve failed in your attempts at achieving not only a noiseless but also a safer and more accurate experience.But if you are looking to reduce the noise and increase the accuracy for archery, please check out the link here.

Such household items do have the tendency to reduce noise but they don’t provide that level of high quality and are likely to mess with the accuracy of your shot, along with causing serious damage to the gun, yourself, or to the people around you.

You must be familiar with the loud sound a balloon produces when popped with a pin. And if you untie the knot at the end of the balloon, the popping sound becomes comparatively lower. This is the simplest way to describe the sole purpose of a silencer.

Before learning how to make a silencer, it is highly advisable and crucial to check with your local and state law enforcement agencies concerning the standing order on the use of silencers for weapons.

While there may be many ways to build this important tool, which has the magical ability to muzzle the explosive sound created when a shot is fired from a gun, the only effective way in getting what you really want is by using water bottles.

And while assembling a silencer using water bottles may be a tad tricky, it is not an impossible task once you have the perfect guide elaborately explaining how to make a silencer out of a water bottle for hunters.

The list of supplies you’ll need:

How to make a silencer out of a water bottle

Before you begin the process of learning how to make a silencer out of a water bottle, there are a few specific things you will require and have to arrange for beforehand in order to keep up with our useful step-by-step guide.

  • Utility knife
  • Scissors
  • Cotton balls
  • Duct tape
  • Ruler
  • Bonding glue
  • 1 liter empty water bottle
  • 16 ounce empty water bottle

Additional supplies:

If you’re learning how to make a silencer out of a water bottle specifically for a 22-caliber rifle, then the list of materials is a tad heavier.

  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Grease pencil
  • Cellophane tape
  • Duct tape
  • Utility knife
  • Ruler
  • 2 liter empty soda bottle
  • 2 liter empty water bottle


You can check out the video version of how to make a silencer out of a water bottle:

Time to begin!

1. Slice the 16-ounce empty water bottle.

Take a pair of scissors and cut off the neck and bottom of the 16-ounce empty water bottle. You can throw away the sliced off parts as you won’t need them to complete the rest of the process.

2. Slice the 1-liter empty water bottle.

Don’t cut off the bottom but only the neck of the 1-liter empty water bottle and discard the cut portion into the trash bin.

3. Make a horizontal and vertical slit.

Use the blade of the utility knife to create a horizontal slit of not more than an inch in the center at the bottom of the 1-liter empty water bottle. Once the horizontal slit has been made, use the same utility knife blade to create another slit but this time vertically of not more than an inch again in the center at the bottom of the same 1-liter empty water bottle.

4. Merge the two empty water bottles.

Place the 1-liter empty water bottle on a table with the bottom of the bottle facing the surface of the table. Now place the 16-ounce empty water bottle inside the 1-liter empty water bottle through the sliced off neck again with the bottom of the bottle facing the table.

Just to ensure that you are following this procedure correctly, we would like to reiterate that both the empty water bottles must have their bottoms placed downwards and not the other way around.

5. Fill in cotton balls.

There will be some generous amount of space between the sides of the 16-ounce and 1-liter empty water bottles. This open space found inside needs to be filled up with cotton balls. You should stop once they hit the top of the 1-liter empty water bottle mark.

6. Apply the bonding glue.

This particular step needs to be executed neatly and very carefully as the whole construction is highly dependent on it. If you want to truly learn how to make a silencer out of a water bottle, then it is important to carry out this particular task with utmost concentration and efficiency.

Now it’s time to stick the necks of both the empty water bottles together. So apply some bonding glue along the cut-out neck of the 16-ounce empty water bottle. Then bring together both the cut-out necks and hold them in that position for at least 60 seconds in order for the bonding glue to do its job effectively.

You can let go of the bottles and keep them aside for 5 hours because that’s how long it takes for the binding glue to completely set in.

7. Attach the gun.

What you have now is a well-constructed silencer that is ready to enclose your gun. So carefully thrust the tip of your gun and its barrel into the horizontal and vertical slits that you made earlier in the center at the bottom of the 1-liter empty water bottle.

The final step is to efficiently secure the gun to the silencer so you can use it safely. Use strips of duct tape to firmly attach the silencer to the barrel of your gun.


how to make a silencer out of a water bottle (2)

In order to provide you with a comprehensive solution so you can easily learn how to make a silencer out of a water bottle while, at the same time, get access to all kinds of relevant information on the same page itself, we have compiled a list of pro tips to also guide you with the construction of a water bottle silencer for a 22-caliber rifle.

The list of supplies that you will need for your 22-caliber rifle has already been mentioned above, so let’s get straight to the point.

  • Use the grease pencil to mark 2-inches up from the bottom of the 2-liter empty water bottle. Another mark should be made on the right-hand side of the first mark keeping the length of an inch. Continue forming these marks to create a nice circle around the bottle.
  • Make another mark but this time two inches down from the top of the 2-liter empty water bottle and continue marking. And yet another but the last mark should be made 2 inches below the previous mark.
  • Now, once you’ve made all the markings, it’s time to use the utility knife blade to create a hole along the side of the water bottle. Turn the blade around inside the hole and then carry out this same procedure with all the marks you’ve penciled down on the 2-liter empty water bottle.
  • Slice off the bottom of the water bottle using the same utility knife blade.
  • Now stuff the bottle with crumpled strips of toilet paper and lock it all up inside by firmly securing the top and bottom of the bottle with bands of cellophane tape.
  • Then use the grease pencil to mark the center of the soda bottle this time and draw a circle around it. Cut through that circle and eliminate the first half of the bottle.
  • Place the remaining half on a table and add crumpled strips of toilet paper inside the bottle. And once again, secure the top and bottom with bands of cellophane tape.
  • Now comes the actual construction; keep the bottom of the water bottle on top of the soda bottle and duct tape them together. Your 22-caliber rifle silencer is finally ready.
  • Lastly, attach the neck of the water bottle to the sides of your 22-caliber rifle’s barrel and use duct tape to safely secure the connection. And then, shoot!

There You Go!

Since we all know that bullets have the capacity to travel at accelerated speeds, faster than you can even begin to imagine, so it is almost impossible to completely mute the sound of the bullet leaving the barrel of the gun. But you can always put a muzzle on it. And a silencer is the best way to achieve something like that.

To better explain what we’re trying to tell you, please have a look at the video below, so you know what to expect once you learn how to make a silencer out of a water bottle.

We hope you found our step-by-step guide on how to make a silencer out of a water bottle valuable, safe, and practical to carry out all at the same time. So that you can find a perfect way to shoot a deer.

Personally, we couldn’t find any reliable or thorough approach to constructing something like this anywhere on the web, so we decided to take on the task ourselves and offer you the best advice and helpful tips to make your experience fun, workable, and less time consuming.

What home items have you used to create a silencer on your own?

Have you ever tried using a potato or a tennis ball? And did that work for you?

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